Comprehensive van insurance for convicted drivers
Van insurance for convicted drivers can sometimes be a nightmare. There is no doubt that finding insurance is going to be more difficult if you have a conviction on your record. However, if you are looking for a quotation and you have a conviction, then we can help.
Mistakes happen, we all know that
Mistakes can happen from time to time, and it is possible for any driver to pick up a conviction for exceeding the speed limit or using a mobile phone whilst driving. Yes we all know we shouldn’t do it but it is sometimes too easy to fall foul of the law, get caught and receive a conviction which can be an especially worrying prospect for any business with the potential for not just financial loss, but significant damage to their livelihood. As motor insurance is a necessity, many insurers have developed schemes whereby they can provide cover for anyone who may have previous driving or criminal convictions, so if you are a convicted driver, whether it was for drink driving, dangerous driving or simply speeding, whilst in the past you may have experienced difficulty in obtaining van insurance at an affordable price and may even have been refused insurance cover outright, this comparison site is designed to help you get the best quote possible.
A word of warning though, this is one situation where you need to be up front and honest, give full details of your convictions, as well as full details of the van you are driving and what you are using the van for. Failure to disclose anything may result in a cancellation of your policy or for it becoming void.

Ways to offset the cost of insurance for your van if you have convictions
Because a driver who has past convictions that are not spent is looked upon as a greater risk you need to look at ways that you can help to keep the costs down, so here’s a list to help you.
- Look at the insurance group your van is listed in. Can you downsize to a cheaper group to save some money?
- Consider a rehabilitation course which could earn you a discount.
- Fit your van with anti-theft devices and keep it in a secure place overnight
- Consider choosing a higher excess, although be sure that it is still affordable
- Avoid making unnecessary claims so that you can build up a healthy no claims discount
And most of all get comparing…
Whether you need a van insurance quote for a drink driving conviction or one for a criminal conviction, you’ve come to the right place.