Space-Saving Storage Hacks for RVs
We all know what a pain it is, trying to find secure storage for all those fiddly, awkward yet essential items every time we hit the road. We love our motorhomes and campervans, and love the freedom they offer – but hate the mess that inevitably greets us after a long drive around some serious bends.
Even when we’re camped up, going nowhere, space is still at a premium, and finding room for every activity you normally undertake of an evening can prove tricky.
To help you out this summer, we’ve brought together our top storage solutions, to make both the journey and the destination as carefree as possible.

1. Over-door racks
Storage units which simply hook over cupboard doors have evolved in recent years, and no longer simply offer extra shelving. There are door bins, spice racks, utensil holders – you name it, there’s an over-the-door version out there. Invest in as many as will fit – we guarantee you won’t regret it.
2. Over the sink drainer
This is a fantastic idea for Recreational Vehicles (RV’s) or campers with limited kitchen space. When in use, the over-sink drainer sits above your sink area – meaning any wayward drips go straight down the drain, and avoiding the need for a separate drainage board, which in turn can be used as valuable worktop space.
3. Hook and loop pads
More commonly known by the name of the original manufacturers, Velcro ®, these are ideal for objects that might rattle around but need to be accessible, such as TV remotes. Stick one half to the wall in a convenient spot, and the other half to the back of whatever you want to store. Just bear in mind the weight of any objects you’re considering, as the pads will only hold so much!
4. Roof storage
When we look for storage space, we never look up. If you’ve got a decent clearance between the top of your head and the roof of the van, consider whether anything could be secured to the roof. Lightweight hammock-type baskets could be strung up to house bedding, towels or toys for kids of, if you’re a confident DIYer, repair tools could be fastened flat to the inside of the roof to keep them out of the way until needed.
5. Suction hooks
These are a fantastic invention, as they attach to almost anything and are easy to relocate. They’re great for anything that can hang, such as kitchen utensils, face towels, or even lightweight outerwear, keys and sunglasses.
6. Hanging glass holders
These fit onto the tops of cupboards and allow you to hang wine glasses upside down, thereby utilising the space above whatever normally sits in your cupboards (invariably mugs, plates or other crockery). They also mean you’re less likely to knock a glass out of the cupboard by accident.
We hope some of these ideas can help you enjoy life on the road, and make your trips and adventures in your campervan or RV as enjoyable as possible. After all, no-one wants to spend their holiday time tidying up or hunting for objects – and with these six great ideas, you’ll never need to again.